Welcome to my tic tac toe project, below is a list of its phases:

March 3, 2011
The tic tac toe project has been moved. It has been separated into components and the AI can be debugged. This has significantly increased my ability to perfect it over time.

January 29, 2009
tic tac toe version 4
Revamped the ai_play() function. After some careful debugging, I found and corrected serveral errors. Despite it still being flawed, I feel this iteration is unique and playable enough to be archived.

September 4, 2008
tic tac toe version 3
I added a few lines in the ai_play() function. The AI was preventing you from winning but was making no attempts to actually win. Although still imperfect, this version is more enjoyable.

April 15, 2005
Added tic tac toe version 2.
Solved a few bugs, slightly improved the user interface, and modified the artificial intelligence, making it try to prevent its opponent from winning only.

February 2, 2005
Added tic tac toe version 1.